Industry News
Page: 11
Painter Hattie Kauffman will be on-location at the Sacred Circle Gallery and Gift Shop Ballard on 9/11/21 from 6pm to 9pm PST. “Last year a gallery in California described my work as ‘Neo Impressionist’… which I took as a great compliment mostly because of the word ‘Neo’. Silly perhaps but really, who’d want to be […]
Happy Thursday to all our relatives! What a great day today is! There are new releases out from two of our favorite artists. Frank Waln, Sicangu Lakota, released “Concentration Camp Blues“. This piece is a mash-up of Native Flute, Hip Hop, and Frank’s specific technique of spoken word. Lyrics, “the settlers rigged the game when […]
Throwing out their unique Hip Hop style, Snotty Nose Rez Kids (SNRK) have done it again! Uncle Rico is the latest slam to the airwaves. All family legends from the res to the city will feel a bit of familiarity with Uncle Rico. So, stand up – get up – turn it up – and […]