Discover History with Mary Big Bull-Lewis in ‘Unsettled’

Written by on May 13, 2024

In a captivating conversation with Red and Ronnie on Daybreak Star Radio, Mary Big Bull-Lewis and Randy Lewis expressed her enthusiasm for the upcoming event, “Unsettled.” This unique theatrical production, brought to life by the Dangerous Women collaborative, marks its final year. “Unsettled” explores the rich history of Central Washington through a blend of music, dance, and spoken word, with a special focus on the experiences of Indigenous women. As part of a talented ensemble, Mary will join regional artists in narrating this powerful story, guided by The Moon—a symbol deeply rooted in Indigenous culture and universal femininity.

This weekend’s performance promises to be an enlightening journey, bridging past and present to highlight the complex narratives of multiple cultures coexisting over time. Previous shows have sold out quickly, underscoring the importance of securing tickets early. Discounts are available for students and couples. Don’t miss your chance to experience this transformative production—join Mary Big Bull-Lewis and the Dangerous Women for a journey that seeks to settle old scores and pave the way for healing and learning. For tickets and more information, visit the Dangerous Women’s website. Embrace the opportunity to witness “Unsettled” and be part of a momentous occasion in the arts.

Don’t miss your chance to witness a powerful blend of history and culture at “Unsettled.” Secure your seats now and join Mary Big Bull-Lewis along with the Dangerous Women for an unforgettable theatrical experience. Get your tickets today!

Watch Mary Big Bull-Lewis discuss her journey and insights. Watch the full video interview below!

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