Author: daybreak

Page: 4

Lushootseed word of the week: Meat By: Dominick Joseph Word of the week: biac Can you correctly use the word biac in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Week and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important to […]

Lushootseed word of the day: Shawl By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: ləšal Can you correctly use the word ləšal in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important to […]

Lushootseed word of the day: Canoe Bailer By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: kʷadgʷiɬ Can you correctly use the word kʷadgʷiɬ in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important […]

Lushootseed word of the day: pil [peel] By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: pil Can you correctly use the word pil in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important […]

Lushootseed word of the day: xʷacad By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: xʷacad Can you correctly use the word xʷacad in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important to […]

Matthew Gilbert: Safeguarding Arctic Village Against Climate Change Matthew Gilbert, a resident of Arctic Village in Alaska, resides in one of the most pristine and secluded regions of the United States. Raised by his grandparents, he imbibed a deep respect for the environment and the responsibility to protect it. His connection to the land and […]

The Journey of Roman Sotam, Indigenous Rapper Roman Sotam, the Indigenous rapper from the Goshute Shoshone Tribe, embodies the power of embracing diversity and creating art within his own headspace. Raised in a culturally rich environment, Sotam draws from his diverse upbringing to craft a unique musical perspective. His introspective lyrics and raw storytelling offer […]

Lushootseed word of the day: cəq̓disbad By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: cəq̓disbad Can you correctly use the word cəq̓disbad in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important to practice […]

Daybreak Star Radio is immensely grateful to the amazing performers, the audience, and our staff and volunteers at Resilient Voices this Saturday. We extend our heartfelt thanks to @djbigrez, @jointsoulsofficial, @misstonihill, and @khueex for their exceptional talent and contributions. DJ Big Rez brought vibrant rhythms, Joint Souls shared soulful melodies, Toni Hill captivated with empowering words, and […]

Lushootseed word of the day: Foul By: Dominick Joseph Word of the Day: dxʷsx̌əƛ̕alap Can you correctly use the word dxʷsx̌əƛ̕alap in a sentence? Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Lushootseed Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this page. It is most important to practice […]

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