Howie’s Artistic Journey: Films and Podcasts Unleashed!

Written by on December 28, 2023

In an empowering chat on Daybreak Star Radio, Noe and Dirty Harry interview Howie Echo-Hawk, trans-nonbinary artist, shares their bold journey in filmmaking and podcasting with theresmore, the Indigequeer.

Howie’s films challenge norms, amplifying diverse voices and narratives. Their podcast, “everynativepisode,” under Indigenize Productions, sparks inclusive conversations, celebrating the richness of Indigenous experiences.

Follow Howie on Instagram: @theresmore @howieechohawk @shithowieechohawksaid @Indigenizeproductions @everynativepisode @ghosthorseband, and join the movement embracing queer, trans Indigenous excellence. In their world, “there is just more” to explore and celebrate.

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