Resilient Voices Artists Bring Native Performers Home to Daybreak Star

Written by on June 15, 2023

Daybreak Star Radio is immensely grateful to the amazing performers, the audience, and our staff and volunteers at Resilient Voices this Saturday.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to @djbigrez, @jointsoulsofficial, @misstonihill, and @khueex for their exceptional talent and contributions. DJ Big Rez brought vibrant rhythms, Joint Souls shared soulful melodies, Toni Hill captivated with empowering words, and Khueex transported us with traditional sounds.

Gunalchéesh for helping us bring these Native performers home to Daybreak Star! All our love and respect to each of you. Your artistry and passion left an indelible mark on our community. We look forward to future collaborations that celebrate the vibrant Native cultures resonating within Daybreak Star Radio.

This show would not be possible without the support of our sponsors like All In Energy,, 4 Culture, and PCC Community Markets.

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